Mission and guiding principles

Who we are

The Association of German Development Services (AGdD) is the umbrella association for the seven state-approved development service providers in Germany. These are AGIAMONDO (former the Association for Development Cooperation, AGEH), Coworkers Professionals (Christliche Fachkräfte International), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Dienste in Übersee (DÜ – Services Overseas) as part of Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service (BfdW), the International Christian Service for Peace (EIRENE), Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) and Weltfriedensdienst (WFD – World Peace Service). We are a point of contact for the parliament, government and political parties and engage in in-depth discussions on issues relating to development service. The Development Workers Act (EhfG) provides the basis for our work.